Monday, June 23, 2008

Medieval Studies Syllabi

In two separate instances recently, I've heard faculty mention that they would like to see syllabi from courses like their own (see the comment posted on this blog by Robin Vose of St. Thomas University (Nova Scotia) about medieval movie courses) or in areas of personal interest (as suggested to me by Danielle Joyner, one of our Notre Dame art historians).

I became curious about the availability of such resources and found a few places to start by Googling "medieval syllabi":

Sample Syllabi from ORB (On-line Reference Book for Medieval Studies)

Medieval Literature from Prof. Jack Lynch at Rutgers

Medieval Military History and the Crusades from De Re Militari.

History of Magic and the Occult from the Societas Magica's Syllabus Project

Medieval Era Jewish History from Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Syllabi Finder from the Center for History and New Media, George Mason University (described as: "Searching 1,046,372 syllabi at the Center for History and New Media and over 500,000 syllabi via Google"); putting in "medieval" as a keyword brought up an estimated 31,600 matches

Anyone else have some suggestions?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the links! I had never seen the syllabi finder before this.

Another link you might like is from Harvard: Larry D. Benson has placed his syllabus for his class on Chaucer's Canterbury Tales online with a good amount of resources.